Submit your homebrew

Want to add your ROM to Nes Open DB? Great, you're in the right place!

Which license do you want to use?

First, make sure which license you want to distribute your work under. We prefer to have explicit licensing information for each piece of software that is added to the database.

If you're not sure about the license, don't worry, it's really easy to choose and and it only takes a few seconds. You can go to the Creative Commons website and generate a license with just a few clicks. Then copy the name of the license e.g. "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" or "CC BY 4.0" and paste it to the "License" field below.

If you have not published the license for your work before, you must also provide proof that you actually are not some random person claiming to own the intellectual property for the game. So now is a good time to put the name of the license up on your website / / Facebook page / Twitter or wherever else you would publically distribute your work. Then copy/paste an URL where you state the license of the software publically into the Source field. This way we can confirm that it is actually you, the author, who is licensing the work. And you're done!


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